Lunatic Rave 2 Only Saves Easy Clear

Navigating the game - LunaticRave 2 Guide

Once you have gotten past the bootup screen, you'll be greeted with the song select screen.
You can find all your song folders as well as the course folders and custom folders that you enabled in JUKEBOX2.
You can navigate using mouse, keyboard or controller.
To find songs to play, enter any of the song folders you have added, such as GENOSIDE.

On the top of the screen you can see options for sorting and filters that you cycle through by either clicking on them or hitting the keybind for SELECT.

If you want to find your dan courses, back out by hitting Key 2 or Left, and enter the 段位認定 course folder.

Here you can see the entire list of dan courses that you have added to the game.

All of the titles are in japanese, but the courses are sorted easiest on the bottom, hardest on the top.

By clicking PLAY OPTION or holding down START, you can view the play option tab.
These are options that affect the gameplay, such as the difficulty of the gauge or modifcation of the note placement.

Note that some of the options will disable score saving. Make sure it says "SCORE: SAVE" at the bottom.
You can also use the controller layout to change the options, using the same layout as displayed.

  • Random:
    • Mirror: Flips the note placement from left to right
    • Random: Randomizes the order of the columns of notes. Hold keys 1+2 at the result screen to replay a random.
    • S-Random: Completely randomizes each note.
    • Scatter: Same as S-Random, but prevents two notes in the same column in a row. (IIDX H-Ran)
    • Converge: All possible notes to the Scratch column.
  • Gauge:
    • Groove: Default. You can't fail mid-song. Need 80% or higher gauge to clear.
    • Hard: Gauge is more strict. You start the song at 100%, but can fail once the gauge reaches 0. You can clear a song below 80%.
    • Death: Instantly fail if you miss (mash poors don't count)
    • Easy: Same as groove but more forgiving.
    • P-Attack: Perfect-Attack. Great and below will deplete gauge.
    • G-Attack: Good-Attack. Anything besides Good will greatly deplete gauge.
  • Assist: Enable or Disable AutoScratch. This counts as an assist/easy clear.
  • Effect: Enable modifications to make notes pop in or disappear, such as HIDDEN (notes disappear sooner) or SUDDEN (notes appear later)
  • Playstyle: Mode filter (e.g. 7keys).
  • Battle:
    • Battle: Normal battle mode.
    • D-Battle: Uses the doubleplay skin for battles.
    • SP to DP: Turns Singleplay charts into Doubleplay charts.
    • G-Battle: Ghost Battle. This only works against rivals. You will get the same play options and the same randomized chart as your rival.
  • Hi-speed: Adjusts the falling speed of the notes.
  • Target: Sets the target the pacemaker number and graph are based on.
  • DP Flip: Flips the sides for Doubleplay charts.
  • HS-Fix: Makes Hi-speed fixed to e.g. the highest BPM in a song.

  • Ghost Position: Choose the position of the pacemaker text.
  • Score Graph: Enable or disable the in-game Score Graph.
  • Default Target: Sets what percentage the default pacemaker target should be.
  • BGA: Enable or Disable Background Animations. (in-game picture/video)
  • BGA Size: Adjust the BGA size to scale or not scale.
  • Judge Timing: Set your offset hit judge, in case you hit too fast or too slow.
  • Judge Auto Adjust: Make the Judge Timing automatically adjust.
  • Lane Cover: Enable or Disable coverage of the top of the note lane. Also known as SUDDEN+
  • Screen Mode: Change between Window or Fullscreen mode.
  • Replay: Sets criteria for saving replays. (e.g. best EXSCORE)

This shows your history and current score of the selected BMS.

Edit the tags of the selected BMS.

Do not change these or else the IR will think it's a new BMS, creating a new leaderboard in the process.

Change the audio settings for the game, including a very in-depth equalizer and effects modifier.
To enable the effects you want, you have to click on the tiny grey circles that sit next to their respective sliders.

Shows your total and current stats!

The "Trial" is the game's mission system.
It shows you what level you're at and the criteria for getting to the next level.
As you can see, the criteria for clearing lv1 is to get over 100 combo with Death Gauge.

The function keys also let you do various actions.

  • F1 shows what each function key does.
  • F2 lets you view the MANIAC OPTIONS. These are just game modifiers that make the screen or notes move around. There is also a tetris mode.
    To navigate and change options, hold down F2 whilst using the arrow keys to move up and down and change settings.
  • F3 are tagging options. Up and down lets you change difficulty, whilst left and right changes level. It's not recommended to use these.
  • F4 lets you change with window mode and fullscreen.
  • F5 opens the LR2IR page for the currently selected song.
  • F6 takes a screenshot.
  • F7 enables or disables the FPS counter
  • F8 refreshes/updates the BMS currently selected BMS folder.

If you go to the System Option tab, you can from there go into the Key Config settings and the Skin/Soundset settings.

The key configuration screen is rather self-explanatory. You can assign multiple keys per button. Keep in mind that you can change the play mode on the top.

You can click on the controller visuals to select a button or use the arrows next to the flavor text. Then you can a slot that you want to assign to key to.

The default keybinds of the game allows JKOCs and DJDAO controllers to be plug and play without having to touch any settings.

  • Escape takes you back to song select.
  • Delete removes the currently selected keybind.
  • F1 resets all keybinds on both P1 and P2 side to default. This is only applied to the current play mode.
  • F2 removes every single keybind on both P1 and P2 sides. This is also only applied to the currently selected mode.

Skin and Soundselect lets you tweak mostly everything about a skin.

On the left and right sides of the skin preview, you can click arrows to change skin or soundset, whilst the skin-specific options are below the skin preview.

The default skin that comes with LR2 has very few options, so you will have to find a different skin for more customization.

Download | Setting up |Navigating the game | How to play |
Navigating the IR | LR2HD | Resources |


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